
Showing posts from July, 2019

So you're about to start a new Job? (navigating the benefits enrollment process)

My daughter recently graduated and started her first job out of school and I thought some of the things we helped her figure out during her first week of work would be helpful for other young professionals who are venturing out into their first step into adulting. Most kids coming out of college have grown used to living on the bare minimum and should leverage that minimalist life style to great advantage.  My daughter once mused to herself that if she could live on less than $500 per month while going to school, what was she going to do with $2,500 a month? Save! was my simple answer.  Your future self will thank your younger self, even if you don't see or understand why today. Life Rule #1: The earlier you start saving and investing, the more money you'll have when you are ready to retire. If you started saving your summer job money and didn't use any of it for college, it's a great head start, but you're not done yet! It's important to get enrol...