
Showing posts from March, 2018

Intermittent fasting is an alternative to bariatric surgery

I've struggled with weight my whole sedentary adult life (currently at ~234) and when I hit the age of 50 I also became diabetic.  I've seen the ads for various types of bariatric surgery, some more invasive than others but they all basically attempt to reduce the volume of food that can go into your stomach before you start feeling full. There is no magic. The key to weight loss and all the associated maladies such as painful knees, high cholesterol, raised blood glucose and diabetes, to name a few, is to burn more calories than is eaten. Many overweight people don't want to sacrifice anything such as the ability to eat their favorite foods when-ever and where-ever but there can be no progress without some effort regardless of what needs to be achieved. Intermittent fasting has come to my attention and the idea seems to make alot of sense for people with weight problems as well as people with Type 2 diabetes. What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting...